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Revision history [back]

click to hide/show revision 1
initial version
aidos.nando gravatar image

Ownership by the community, or lack thereof, is a common ailment. Get the community together and try to get them involved in a solution. There are various approaches that can be used based on cost or value or even guilt, but if the community does not get involved, and recognizes the problem as a problem, any outside provided solution will be short lived. If you get the community involved yu may find an idea that sticks.

click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision
Cristian Anton gravatar image

Ownership by the community, or lack thereof, is a common ailment. Get the community together and try to get them involved in a solution. solution. There are various approaches that can be used based on cost or value or even guilt, but if the community does not get involved, and recognizes the problem as a problem, any outside provided solution will be short lived. lived.

If you get the community involved yu you may find an idea that sticks.